NEBGH Recap: Maven's Key Takeaways

In June, the Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH) gathered HR and benefits leaders from companies across the Northeast, along with healthcare providers and experts driving innovative solutions like Maven, in NYC for its annual conference. We discussed some of the complex topics top-of-mind for benefits teams like mental health, concierge services, AI, and addressing high-cost conditions.
Maven women’s health nurse practitioner and advisor Rebecca Callahan was part of a panel on Healthcare Disparities Despite Coverage and, as a platinum sponsor of the conference, Maven had a table in the exhibit area. The panel—moderated by Claire Levitt, deputy commissioner for the New York City Mayor’s Office of Labor Relations—explored benefits teams’ key concerns around how to address disparities that exist in accessing care and managing certain conditions, despite best efforts to treat diverse workforces equally when it comes to benefits coverage. Rebecca Callahan discussed how Maven helps employers close these gaps by improving access to quality, equitable care for all employees. She was joined by other panelists Karan Singh, the co-founder and chief operations officer at Ginger, and Luther T. Clark, MD and Deputy Chief Patient Officer at Merck.
Here are a few additional key takeaways we wanted to share from NEBGH this year:
- Time is the biggest barrier for employees in seeking quality healthcare. With this in mind, employees embrace benefits solutions that bring care to them, like virtual care or in-office and at-home services.
- Employers are leading the way in adopting innovative healthcare solutions. More companies are embracing forward-thinking health and wellness partners like Maven, and are working with health plans to deliver better care solutions for employees.
- Retention remains a key priority for employers when considering benefits. In an increasingly competitive job market, employee retention continues to be a challenge for companies. Holistic, high-quality benefits solutions with no out-of-pocket costs for employees are key to driving employee satisfaction and retention—and avoiding high turnover costs.
“More companies are embracing forward-thinking health and wellness partners like Maven, and working with health plans to deliver better care solutions for employees.”
Until next year’s NEBGH annual conference, we hope more employers continue to embrace inclusive, holistic, and innovative healthcare solutions for their employees. Maven is here to help.
Stay Tuned for More on Our Upcoming Events
- CAHR Conference—August 25-28 in Long Beach, CA
- NGBH Workforce Strategy 2019—September 17-19 in San Diego, CA